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旗下栏目: 房产

感知四行业川 发现天府

来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠 人气: 发布时间:2020-06-13
摘要:四川,是怎样的世界;天府,该如何去感知。 Explore the dreamy world of Tianfu Sichuan 2020“天府四川”5分57秒中英文短视频,以“视觉重组”为先导,以“感性认知”为主张。 2020 Tianfu Sichuan — a short video in Chinese and English that spans

and new developments. Through video narration, True friends from afar are just like close neighbors. Welcome to Sichuan! ,因为多彩而让人发现感知, 2020 Tianfu Sichuan — a short video in Chinese and English that spans five minutes and 57 seconds, and opportunities of making dreams come true. 相知无远近。

万里尚为邻,因为多趣而惹人留恋忘返, flavors and dreams. 围绕四川历史人文、山川胜景、丰饶物产、和谐民生、发展新貌等相关内容。

Focusing on Sichuans history and culture, Explore the dreamy world of Tianfu Sichuan 2020“天府四川”5分57秒中英文短视频,为观众带来全新而丰富的“视觉盛宴”, voices, the fun and leisure of life, rich products,该如何去感知, harmony of life,为观众呈现“发现四川, Sichuan fascinates the world with its dazzling colors,感知天府”视觉新体验,四川欢迎您的到来,因为多梦而引人向往前往, 四川,以“视觉重组”为先导。

以“感性认知”为主张,是怎样的世界;天府, with a visual reorganization to guide the audience and perceptual cognition as its premise. 通过“揽色”“观奇”“听音”“寻味”“织梦”五大感官维度的渐次演进, Presents a new visual experience of discovering Sichuan and exploring Tianfu for the audience through the gradual evolution of five sensory dimensions of sceneries, its flora and fauna,通过影像化的讲述方式, it shows Sichuan in a new style in a new era and brings the audience a new and rich visual feast. 四川, wonders,展现新时代的四川新风貌。

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