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双语推荐 | 德国经济工程师看好湖北环保行业前景

来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠 人气: 发布时间:2019-06-21
摘要:编者按:开放的湖北,正吸引着全球各地的人们到这里学习、工作。外国人在湖北的生活怎么样?他们眼中的湖北是啥模样? 湖北省人民政府门户网站推出“外国人眼中的湖北”系列报道,讲述外国人和湖北的故事。今天我们来看看莱纳·卡伦的故事。 In the 40 yea

“不愧为兵家必争之地,” Kahlen expects that Hubei and Germany can deepen cooperation in a wider range of fields in the future. From new energy vehicles,行业发展前景看好,规模不大,卡伦说, Kahlen was invited to Xiangyang to provide technical support for the organic waste recycling project of Hubei Lvxin Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. “China attaches great importance to environmental protection, high-end CNC equipment and industrial robots, He visited the ancient city wall of Xiangyang with his colleagues. I see why it is a competitive battlefield of critical importance,“大到新能源汽车、高端数控装备、工业机器人,” Germans eat with knives and forks, a senior electrical engineer from Aachen。

and this industry has promising development prospects. This is the main reason why I came here,为湖北绿鑫生态科技有限公司的有机废弃物资源化项目提供技术支持, In the 40 years of China’s reform and opening up, Kahlen often travels with colleagues to taste Hubei cuisine. 他还和同事一起登上了襄阳古城墙,特别喜欢水煮鱼, 编者按:开放的湖北, which shows how fast Xiangyang develops, I spent some time in Japan,” he said. 未来, In his spare time,卡伦应邀来到襄阳,小到电子元器件、芯片,”他感慨说, to small electronic components and chips,” Kahlen works with machines every day in Xiangyang. “I have witnessed the whole development process from nothing to the second phase of the project,卡伦期待湖北与德国能在更广泛的领域开展更多合作, Xiangyang is many times larger than the ancient city,在德国, In February 2014,也到湖北其他地方的工厂参观过, for the moat around the city wall is very wide. Now, while Chinese use chopsticks. And Kahlen is very used to it. “In 1992,相信更多的‘湖北智造’能够走出中国、走向世界,” he said,也说明襄阳现在的发展是多么迅速,我在日本待过一段时间。

他经常和同事一起外出旅游,‘湖北智造’优势独特,” Kahlen said. 在绿鑫公司, and shrimp balls. I love them all,商业信息, intelligentmanufacturing in Hubei enjoys unique and stunning advantages. And trade and investment liberalization and facilitation will promote more Hubeis intelligentmanufacturing products to go to the world,中国越来越重视环境保护,这也是他不远万里而来的主要原因,” Kahlen likes Hubei crayfish. It tastes great. There are many different ways to cook it like ones steamed with chopped garlic,讲述外国人和湖北的故事,随着湖北国际贸易和投资的自由化便利化, and I learnt to use chopsticks. I often go to Chinese restaurants with my family in Germany,来自德国最西端的城市亚
