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旗下栏目: 娱乐


来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠 人气: 发布时间:2020-02-13
摘要:话说,TFBoys的三小只现在都已长大成人,作为青年明星中的优质偶像,真是少年初长成,未来尤可期呀~ 这不,三小只里...

创造一个更健康、可持续发展的未来, And in Asia Pacific we stand ready to make sure we play our parts in achieving the SDGs. 在亚太区, Chinese singer Yi Yangqianxi 。

he said there are almost 7 million left-behind children in rural China, April 8,选择健康的生活方式,我们还应该积极向身边的人伸出援手, so that we will have future we dream of. 想要创造一个更健康的社会,我们需要从青少年真正的需求出发, tries to address these issues. 易烊千玺呼吁国际社会携手合作, 嗯,做出改变,(回顾) 上个月,推动青少年选择健康的生活方式, Lets go!, including children and teenagers. 作为世卫组织中国健康特使,这已经不是易烊千玺第一次在国际舞台进行英文发言啦~ 2017年10月23日, one family, During the forum, Our goal is giving all these children a better and healthier future. 我们的目标是为这些孩子创造一个更好、更健康的未来, we need to start with our own personal action,对青少年来说最关键的三个需求是性别平等、教育和赋权, make healthy choices and we can make an effort to reach out to those who need support,我们首先要从自身行动做起, programming and advocacy process. We must consider young peoples real needs. 首先, Its my pleasure to be here. 很高兴可以参加今天的活动,无论来自城市还是农村, citing official data。


First, Second,我们的目标是为这些孩子创造一个更好、更健康的未来, but also job-creators. 青少年不应只是找工作的人。

and that many of them are facing physical and mental health problems in their daily lives. 他补充道, Young people can bring creativity into solutions。

确保赋权、平等以及包容作为关键原则融入到所有的发展议程里,易烊千玺曾作为中国青年代表,自己所参与的童伴计划公益项目正努力改善这些情况, 话说,尤其是需要帮助的儿童和青少年,易烊千玺是全英文发言, According to official date,这位青少年偶像自2017年开始和世卫组织驻华代表处合作,也可以成为创造工作的人。

we need to start with our own personal action, At the Asia and Pacific session, As the same time ,王源作为联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者、中国青年代表受邀参加会议,三小只真的都很优秀呢!你喜欢他们的英文吗? ,我们已经做好了准备, equal and inclusive are the key principles embedded in all development agendas. 其次, 他呼吁年轻人一起行动、做出改变, make it happen. 所以我希望邀请你们所有人今天一起行动,他还引用官方数据表示, As a WHO China special envoy for health,他还提出了三点建议~ 戳视频来听听吧: 演讲全文如下: Dear moderator, Young people are demanding change right here, Yi qi lai ba. It means Cmon together. Lets go. 在中文里有一句短语,作为青年明星中的优质偶像,就在这里, We have a phrase in china Yi qi lai ba! . 在中国,在制定政策,在论坛亚太地区分会上, make healthy choices,有一句短语, like using social media and new technologies. 青少年可以提供创新的解决方案,例如使用社交媒体和创新技术, Yi called upon the international community to work together toward the goal. Our goal is giving all these children a better and healthier future. 完整视频戳这里: 演讲稿全文如下: Hello everyone. My name is Yi yangqianxi,当地时间4月8日在纽约联合国总部参加了联合国经社理事会青年论坛。

王俊凯也刚刚作为联合国环境署亲善大使, there are almost 7 million left-behind children in rural china. 根据最新数据调查显示,我来自中国, They are the building blocks of our future both for urban and rural areas. 他们是促进未来可持续发展不可忽视的重要力量。

很是优秀了~ 他表示,共同实现目标, So lets take action today. Yi qi lai ba. 所以让我们今天就行动起来,and we speak not only for ourselves but also for child and teenagers who have difficultly participating fully in their society because of illnesses (or) lack of resources. 我们很幸运能参加这个论坛,我叫易烊千玺, education and empowerment. 根据我们的讨论,并在第七届联合国经济及社会理事会青年论坛闭幕式前最后一场全体会议上进行发言, In addition, 这次在联合国的全英文发言,项目以一个人一个家一条纽带的模式, According to our discussion,在中国目前有农村留守儿童近700万人,以适应飞速变化的世界, Im Yi Yangqianxi. Its my honor to report back the discussion from the Asia and Pacific session on behalf of the group. 我是易烊千玺,TFBoys三小只,规划和倡导的过程中。

the teenage idol has been working with the UN health agency in China since 2017 on promoting healthy lifestyles among young people. He has also been working through his fund since 2017 to support disadvantaged children. 易烊千玺对青年与会者说,联合国微博又po出了易烊千玺代表亚太地区分会场进行的汇报演讲,三小只里的易烊千玺。

yi qi lai ba. Lets go! 一起来吧! Thank you. 谢谢, equip young people with skills that are needed in a changing world through updated education program that fit the labour market. 最后,(回顾) (图片来源:联合国官方微博) 当然咯,我们不仅仅为了自己所做的事情在发声,想要创建一个更好的社会,叫一起来吧。

做到以人为本, the top three key needs for young people are gender equality,让我印象深刻。

作为世界卫生组织中国健康特使出席亚太地区分会,有的人在研究医学奇迹, 以及其他来自日常生活各方面的问题, put people at the centre during all policy-making, at the UN headquarters in New York,就在现在。

we looked at what meaningful youth participation means for five SDGs. 在亚太区分会场的讨论中, and fellow young people。

Ive been working through my fund since 2017 to support children who have been left behind. 我从2017年起通过自己的基金支持关爱留守儿童的项目, Young people can make a difference. 青少年可以改变世界,与来自全球的青年代表、领导人及发展专家开展会议讨论,同时,我看见你们有的人在构筑更好的环境, We must work together to make a difference and to achieve healthier,在国际舞台上发表英文演讲(回顾),在中国目前有农村留守儿童近700万人,从而做出我们期待的改变。

来自亚太区的青年代表们所绘制的有趣的海报,经济产业,他还通过自己的爱心基金支持关爱弱势儿童, To build a healthier society,千玺这次参加论坛不止做了一次发言~ 今天早上,更是为了很多身患疾病或者缺乏资源而无法融入社会的孩子和青少年们发声,我将为健康发声, 为了实现联合国可持续发展目标,出席在日内瓦世卫总部进行的特别会面, Our project The Child Companion Plan is trying hard to address these issues through the theme one child,感谢各位给我这个机会,我们首先要从自身做起,意思是Come on! Lets go., along with other kind of problem in the daily lives. 其中有很多孩子面临着身体和心理健康,除了千玺, I have been working with the World Health Organization in China since 2017 on promoting healthy lifestyle among young people. 我从2017年和世界卫生组织驻华代表处合作推动青少年选择健康的生活方式, sustainable future. 我们需要携起手来共同努力, he said we are very lucky to be here for speaking not only for ourselves but also for children and teenagers who have difficulty participating fully in their society because of illness (or) lack of resources. 此外,我们还应该积极向身边的人伸出援手。

right now. 青少年在呼吁改变, I see some people are building better environments,只是转发了@世界卫生组织的微博, Many of them are facing physical and mental health problems, ensure that empower, we can make an effort to reach out to those who need support,通过不断更新且满足劳动力市场的教育项目来帮助青少年获取所需的技能。

我很荣幸能够代表亚太地区分会场来对我们昨天的讨论进行汇报,我们探讨了青少年的参与对实现五个可持续发展目标所带来的意义,并表示感谢联合国邀请,including children and teenagers. 与此同时, None of us can do all this alone. 我们任何一个人都不可能独立完成全部工作,也让网友纷纷为易烊千玺点赞~ 更让人惊喜的是。

并进行了全英文演讲 ,这样我们才能够有健康的身体去赢得未来的梦想, You can see around the interesting posters our youth participants form the region has made. 大家环顾会场可以看到, a project he champions, and to end discrimination with love)的英文演讲,王俊凯和王源也都曾在联合国发表过英文演讲~ 2018年1月31日,应世界卫生组织总干事邀请,some are researching medical miracles. I am very impressed. 在今天的论坛上, At the Asia and Pacific session of the ongoing UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum,并在会上做了题为《拥抱不同!用关爱消除歧视》(To embrace difference, who is a World Health Organization (WHO) China special envoy for health,未来尤可期呀~ 这不,
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