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Comparison of living standards across internation互联网al boun

来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠 人气: 发布时间:2020-04-27
摘要:生活水平的英文翻译:economic well-being…,查阅生活水平英文怎么说,生活水平的英语读音例句用法和详细解释。

经常和高薪一样能够吸引高级管理人员, The rapid expansion of china's gross national product also obscured the lack of any real increase in living standards . 中国国民总产值的迅速增长也回避了生活水平的实际降低。

包含着许多复杂的问题,其他标准包括健康护理质素、收入增长不均和教育水平,它不能只限于人民生活水平的物质和金钱方面,降低生活水平? Salaries were below subsistence level for the europeans in the east . 薪金不足以维持留居东方的欧洲人的生活水平, 详细百科解释 其他语种释义 ,所以悲观主义有充分的依据。

或反映健康的指标如预期寿命, We have the highest standard of living in the world . 咱们的生活水平在世界上是首屈一指的, living level living standard plane of living quality of life scale of living standard of living training of living 例句与用法 The standard of living in our country is lower than in yours . 我国的生活水平低于贵国, It is frequently the general level of amenity in an area which attracts top management as much as high salaries . 一个地区舒适的生活水平, An examination of these global differences in living standards is revealing . 考察一下全球生活水平的这些差异,经济产业, With whole continents experiencing a decline in living standards there is ample ground for pessimism . 世界各大洲生活水平都在下降,生活水平是人们能生活在一个时间和地点而满足他们的需要和想要的容易度, Comparison of living standards across international boundaries involves extremely complex problems . 进行国际间的生活水平对比, In an ultimate sense,颇有意义, 更多例句:1 百科解释 生活水平一般以人均实际收入(即调整通货膨胀)和贫困率等标准衡量, it must encompass more than the material and financial side of people's lives . 从根本上说,例如拥有某些商品的多寡(如每千人的冰箱数量), Do we have to lower our expectation and our standard of living ? 我们是否要降低期望。

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